Friday, January 7, 2011

A Cowl for a Little Girl

Note from Kristin:  I made a cowl for Imrie, thinking it could help keep her warm sledding.  She did wear it grocery shopping once, but refuses to try it on at home to humor me.  Aubrey modeled it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Marian the Librarian

Note from Janet: I requested a skein of Cascade Magnum for Christmas in no particular color, but love this dark purple!! It went super fast, in between all my Christmas clean-up and toy assembly. I love huge yarn and fast projects :)

Christmas Bobble Hat

Note from Janet: This very well may be the cutest thing I’ve ever knit!!! I absolutely love it in red! It was my first bobble project - so simple, but a little time consuming since you're working that one stitch 15 times.

Double Down Fingerless Mitts

Note from Janet: My sister gave me this yarn in a bag of wool yarn for felting when she requested another pair of slipper socks, and this was a brand new ball that she told me I could just have. I’ve had it for almost a year and never knew what to do w/ it, but I made my wham bam cowl and realized this matches it pretty well.
I wanted to stick w/ a garter stitch pattern so doubled the yarn and cranked out some fingerless mitts in an evening! Again, I just saved the seaming for this morning. I could have done them in the round, but I was happy to just knit 2 squares while I watchedAndy Williams Christmas specials :)