Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scrap Hat for Addison

Note from Heather:  I used leftover Violets Malabrigo yarn from Addison's sweater and leftover Spud and Chloe yarn from Addison's butterfly hat to make this basic hat with stripes.  This is her everyday hat that she wears to school.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Neck Warmer for Shad

Note from Heather:  I decided to knit 50 things this year.  The intent was to deplete some of the stash but that is another story.  I thought I should at least knit 1 thing for my husband.  I asked him what I could knit him and he suggested a neck warmer.  He also picked out a $20 skein of baby alpaca yarn.  We'll see if he wears it this winter.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Cowl for an Aunt

Note from Heather:  My aunt found this pattern on the website of Crazy Girl Yarn Shop.  We sometimes meet there to get together as it is between our houses.  I told her if she bought the yarn that I'd knit it.  She was excited.  It took 3 skeins of a bulky alpaca yarn and lots of knit stitch.  Super quick!  She says she loves it.  She recently emailed to say she felt she was being stalked at Walmart after she wouldn't sell it to a lady that was admiring it.